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Unite to eliminate neglected tropical diseases
Unite to eliminate neglected tropical diseases
On World Neglected Tropical Disease Day (30 January), the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on everybody to unite and act to address the inequalities that drive neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and to make bold, sustainable investments to free the estimated 1.62 billion people, in the world’s most vulnerable communities, from a vicious cycle of disease and poverty. The Day seeks to garner support towards the control, elimination and eradication of NTDs, in line with the programmatic targets set out in the NTD road map 2021−2030 and the commitments of the 2022 Kigali declaration.
On a 2-day visit to Cunene, Angola, the World Health Organization and Angola's Ministry of Health assessed efforts to eradicate Guinea Worm disease, a project they've jointly addressed since 2020.
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